Blog Post

Convincing Your Partner It's Time for a Spa Day

  • By Dorothy Andreas
  • 15 Oct, 2018
Couples Spa Day | Pittsburgh
You love spa days. You know how wonderful a day of pampering and relaxation can be for your mind, body and spirit. The only thing missing? The person you love most. Sure, you’ve told them all about the spa, how amazing you feel when you get home. They’re happy for you, but you know they’d be even happier if they just came along. 

Explaining the Benefits of a Spa to Your Partner

If your partner has never been to a spa before, they might be picturing nothing more than mud masks and cucumbers over your eyes. Now, we know there’s so much more than that. Explain to your partner all of the options awaiting them! Sure, there are skin treatments and facials, but what about a soothing couples massage or a refreshing manicure?

Maybe your partner has preconceived notions about the spa and never really saw him or herself there. This can be hard to argue, but doesn’t your partner see how relaxed you are when you come home? Explain how you want that for them, too!  Help your partner understand everything available at the spa and work together to plan your perfect day.

Put Their Worries to Rest

For some people, that first visit to the spa can be a little stressful, and something we definitely need to fix! You know a day at the spa means serenity and relaxation. The spa is a place for all of your woes and stressors to melt away, if only for a day. However, if your partner still has some apprehensions, here are few talking points to help sway their opinion.

I've Never Had a Massage Before

Many people are nervous about their first massage because it’s a new experience and they don’t know what to expect. Remind your partner that a massage is designed for comfort and that there is nothing to worry about. Massage therapists are professionals and trained to work on all body types.

Will I Be Out of Place at the Spa?

We hear this concern from a lot of people, mostly men. The truth is, everyone is welcome at the spa. Man or woman, all body and skin types. Our staff are all professionals who truly enjoy helping each and every guest relax and enjoy their time with us. If you or your partner is more comfortable with a male or female technician, we can certainly accommodate that!

How Should I Prepare for a Spa Day?

The most important thing is to come with an open mind and to be ready to relax. Additionally, make sure to wear comfortable clothing and minimal jewelry. We request that you turn off your cell phones while receiving treatments in order to truly immerse yourself in the experience. Again, the best way to prepare is to simply come in and enjoy yourself.

Book Your Couples Spa Day at Sewickley Spa

Now that you’ve answered all your partner’s questions and addressed their concerns, it’s time to book your spa day. At Sewickley Spa, we offer everything from massages to seaweed wraps to pedicures—and everything in between. Visit our full list of treatment options.
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