Waxing is a fairly straightforward procedure. We apply the wax to the part of the body we’re focusing on, and then apply a strip of cloth or paper pressed firmly against the skin. We then quickly pull off the cloth or paper, leaving smooth, hairless skin behind! It’s a quick process with instant results.
The best part about waxing is that it can be targeted to your most troublesome areas, often places where a normal razor cannot reach. Waxing services are available for a number of areas, including:
Face - mainly eyebrows, lip, chin and sideburns
Under arms
Upper and/or lower arms
Bikini line
Lower legs
Through continuous waxing, hair follicles in targeted areas begin to weaken. This means the hair that grows back will become finer and finer over time, making it less noticeable. Furthermore, unlike traditional shaving, waxing leaves no razor burn or stiff re-growth of your hair.